Looking for: Acrobat Developer Resources — Acrobat Developer Docs Click here to DOWNLOAD Enhancing Adobe Acrobat DC Forms with JavaScript by Jennifer Harder - PDF Drive Choose exactly how to display a PDF and use the callbacks and annotations APIs to provide programmatic control and enable digital collaboration. Use analytics to understand how users interact with PDFs, including time spent on a page and searches. Control how you embed PDFs, with support for full-sized windows, sized containers, in-line display, and lightboxes. Full support for import, create, delete, update, exporting of comments, and more; programmatically add, update, and delete annotations with the option to save; events can be triggered based on user actions. Easily integrate Adobe Analytics with only a few steps, or leverage the user events to push data to other analytics tools. For multi-user document collaboration, identify reviewers by name or email address and save ann...